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» Lunar Computed Surface Radiation (CSR) Modeling
(click here for PDF presentation)

The Lunar-shine (Lunar IR environment) is a directionally dependent surface flux because the temperature of the Lunar surface varies largely. This directional dependence is modeled by the Space 3D Thermal (commercial TSS) Lunar Computed Surface Radiation (Lunar CSR). In the ray-tracing Lunar CSR method, the ray energy for each individual ray depends on the where the ray was emitted from the lunar surface. This method accounts for the variable directionally dependent Lunar IR environment as shown.

Sample ouput of the Space 3D Thermal (commercial TSS) Lunar Computed Surface Radiation

Using the Lunar CSR model:

Within the Orbit application, specify the Moon on the Planet/Solar Data form. Check ‘Range’ for the planet source, then specify the minimum and maximum flux values.

» Using Mesh and ConCap for solid to Radiation Surface Modeling
(TSS/SAT V12.11)

Connecting solid elements generated within the Mesh application to radiation surfaces can now easily be done. This can be very useful in modeling blankets, and for performing radiation analysis on an enclosure without having to carry along the solid elements within it. When the conductor network is output from ConCap, a Sinda/Fluint SYMBOL will be used (e*) in the conductor values between the solid elements and the radiation surfaces. This will allow the user to easily change the conductor values.

Model loaded into the TSS Mesh Tool

Using the Solid to Radiation Surface enhancement:

- Load your Geometry model into Mesh, and mesh the desired enclosure(s). When you output from Mesh, specify ‘solid to radiation surface list’ and ‘combined solid/surface Geometry file’

- When launching ConCap, specify the combined solid/surface geometry file and the solid to surface radiation list. Go to Special Functions, and select ‘Connect Solid Elements to Radiation Surfaces’. You can specify an e* and other parameters on this form.

- You will now have the conductor network which can be output to a Sinda/Fluint deck from ConCap.





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